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"A Shropshire Lad" T-Shirt
$25.00 - $35.00
"Because I Can't Read??" Tote Bag

"Book Token" Gift Certificate
$25.00 - $100.00
"Bookshop Memories" Print

"Crying Behind The Wheel" Bumper Sticker

"Driving Erratically" Bumper Sticker
"Failure Frog" T-Shirt
"Honk If You Understand Gravity's Rainbow" Bumper Sticker
"Honk If You Understand This Obscure Literary Reference" Bumper Sticker
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"Melting Text Logo" Bumper Sticker

"Proud Parent" Bumper Sticker
"Solely Out Of Guilt" Bumper Sticker
"Stuck at Rabbit's House" Hoodie

"The Visit" T-Shirt
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"This is my book reading hat" hat
"Wandering Wizards Welcome" Hoodie
"Wandering Wizards Welcome" T-Shirt
"Welcome To The Barbara Pym Warehouse" T-shirt

1984 by George Orwell

45 Adapter
A Bountiful Harvest of Flower Logo T-Shirts

An Army Surplus of Flower Logo T-Shirts

Angus, Thongs, and a Perfect T-shirt

Anti-Book Book Club Crewneck

Anti-Book Book Club T-Shirt

“Ask me/Don’t ask me” Mug

“Dreams Really Do Come” True T-Shirt

“I Can’t Read” sticker

“It’s an Island” Sticker

“Roll For Initiative” T-shirt

Back Patch
Barbara Comyns T-Shirt

BC Ferries Burrito Experience Bumper Sticker
Bear T-Shirt

Book Reaper T-Shirt
$25.00 - $35.00

Book Zombie T-Shirt
$25.00 - $35.00
Bookbuster T-Shirt

Christopher Vanderkooy - “Thanks Blanket” Hardcover Book
$30.00 - $45.00

Classic Logo Tote Bag

Consider Not Activating Your Alarm T-Shirt
Dig Into A Good Book T-Shirt
$35.00 - $45.00

DNF Tourist Bumper Sticker

Domen T-Shirt
$25.00 - $35.00
EJ Day T-Shirt
$25.00 - $35.00

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Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Fish & Chips T-Shirt

Flat Earth Space Horror T-Shirt

Flower Logo Hoodie DELUXE